. . breath . .
Breath by Group S is really beautifully written..
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Was viewing BYJ's album of pictures and listening to one of the main theme from April Snow OST, 'Breath' by Group S, suddenly a surge of emotions came rushing and goosebumps popping up from my skin, caught me by surprise. Not sure how to describe the emotions I felt, it's a mixed of touched, sad, happy..etc, only true fans of his may understand how I felt I guess.
As April Snow will be showing in Singapore soon, I'm sure every SG fan is going to be so excited and looking so forward to watching this movie. Those who are not fans but due critics and reports all over hyping up the excitement, many will be darn curious and will wanna watch and see what the fuss is about. The below article would serve as an advise to all movie-goers to avoid disappointments.
Source: 1st September 2005 Yonhap News by Shim Sun-ah
There is an old Korean saying that there is nothing to eat at a party which is too noisy. The proverb means if the exterior of something is too impressive, it could be rather empty inside. Moviegoers would be wise to keep this in mind in the case of the new film "April Snow."
Boasting the combination of veteran director Hur Jin-ho of "Christmas in August" and "One Fine Spring Day" and Bae Yong-joon, the star of the hit South Korean drama "Winter Sonata", the film has gained much attention ahead of its opening in South Korea and other Asian countries. But the result is not a good addition to Hur’s filmography due to its humdrum plot and a weakly-nuanced performance by its two lead actors.
Hur's previous two offerings were acclaimed by critics as romance genre works that subtly depicted the freshness of just-started love and the cruelty of variable love, respectively, without much dialogue. So many of his fans might have anticipated another Hur-style romance film with more commercial possibility due to Bae's presence.
Wasn reading up Joonsfamily forum and found out that some of the members like KellyBYJ actually went Korea to attend his bunggae. Happiebb also went all the way to Taiwan with Tiffany and others when BYJ was doing his promo. And I can tell that they are so excited and happy that they actually saw him and even counted the number of times they saw him despite seeing him before when he came to SG.. this makes me wonder.. me, being the more low-profile but very crazy fan (compared to me and my friends), when will I get to see him EVER?!
Yong Joon is willing to confines himself to a hotel.
Here's the article that accompanied the MD photos
BYJ before leaving Narita
Beautifully written by Meeho in BYJ.co.kr to BYJ on his 33rd birthday..
Dear Yong Joon ssi,
Today should be your birthday. The love and adulation with which your fans flooded you makes it an indelible memory to be cherished forever. I believe that what you encountered today and the outpour of affection has made you the happiest man alive, just as you made so many people unutterably happy.
I hear you were moved to tears. This is only natural for a man with such a gentle heart. You have touched so many souls with love, joy, kindness and - yes - sadness. You have stirred the innermost emotions of dormant hearts and awakened them to the forgotton beauty of sharing. Charitable as you are, your tenderness has often patted a lonely child's hand and triggered hope for a patient amidst the darkness of dispair.
Let me not forget your smile, that tinged with the purity and freshness of an innocent child. The moment it lights up your face, the air flutters with angelic melodies. A fantasy world of birds, butteflies and flowers is having a birthday of it own. And those infinitely kind eyes add even move tenderness to your dear face. When you perform, your straight, piercing look when you are serious, your soothing glance when you're in love, or your strong, flashing glare when you're angry, have all become familiar and endearing.
Yong Joon ssi, you are a man born to love and to be loved. I have looked for the reason behind your serenity and kindness. I have searched for the source of patience with which you so admirably handle difficulties. I have sought the essence of the resilience and perseverence you use to perfect your act and elevate your talent. In the process, I have tried hard not to love you. And I unashamedly failed.
Today's concert revealed how immensely are fans attached to you. Thousands joyously cheered and greeted you in person, while many many more, far away in distance - yet near in spirit, followed your every step in the last few days as closely as your shadow. I do not exaggerate when I say that I feel your presence most of the time. It is welcome and much-needed as it lifts my spirit and encourages me to do more and be better. You should be proud of your impact. Numerous people find you a source of inspiration. I am one of them.
Dear YJ, do not be surprised or startled. During your ten-year-journey, you have unlocked a gate to people's wells of love by selflessly giving and strenuously achieving news goals. You never lost stamina. What is more important is that you are still the same humble human being, unspoilt by fame or wealth. So this is only the tip of the iceberg, for there is much more love to reap. I hope your lumonious soul will constantly be a source of inspiration and strength for years to come.
Goosebumps popped all over me when reading the article from the Japanese fan.. it was totally touching. Despite being a tad chaotic for the first 1 or 2 days, even IMX and BYJ had to write notices up to their site to calm the fans down, the event
Embracing yesterday's memory for ever
by pikachu
posted in www.byj.co.kr [10:22]
Dear sisters:
The promotion event at SAITAMA Super Arena ended in a great success !
It was the happiest moment for us the Japanese Family when BYJ appeared from just under the catwalk in InSoo's outfit. Music was beautifully played, and singers and musicians performed perfectly.
BYJ's beautiful Japanese surprised us and impressed us very much. How did he manage to find the time to improve his Japanese in his busy days? We truly appreciate his effort.
For three hours we really felt united as the BYJ family. We are the people who gathered together with only one point of contact: that is love for BYJ. Otherwise we are strangers with each other, but the affection toward him was big enough to strengthen our emotional ties.
Both BYJ and SYJ could hardly keep back their tears ,neither could we. Mr.Sohn, who also appeared on the stage saying that he didn't sleep all-night ,was given as many cheers as BYJ himself. We are so grateful to the Korean family and all the staff members for giving us such a splendid opportunity to meet BYJ.
BYJ said heart is always together. His words echo over our mind. We hope one day all the Asian families can share the same happiness over the borders. We the Japanese family members will give him an everlasting support .
With millions of thanks from Japan
Yonsama, moved to tears at 'April Snow' concert